Sunday 21 June 2020

Holidays remembered

On the way to a holiday in Scotland Richard Hyde stopped overnight in a B&B in the Lake District. It was almost dark when he photographed the view of the distant mountains and the 'unreal' colour of the sky. The photo re-awoke memories of that magical moment and was the inspiration for this pastel painting.

Lake District Sunset

The second painting takes us into Scotland and shows the Solway Firth. Despite a heavy grey overcast all the light was in the sky and sea with the land appearing in silhouette.
Solway Firth near Colvend
The Island of Gigha awakens many pleasant memories: wonderful food, Achamore Gardens, warm sunshine and sparkling sea with a full palette of blues, wild flowers and lichen covered rocks. The rocks along the shore are quite sculptural. The image below shows a pastel painting under the reference photo.

Natural sculpture

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