Wednesday 15 May 2019

LEANNE ELLIS Acrylic Landscapes

We welcomed Leanne Ellis to the Society demo on 7th May.
Leanne is a demonstrator for both Winsor and Newton and Pebeo and provided a wide range of
materials for the Society members to buy.  Leanne uses a maximum of 5 brushes and mixes acrylics on a specially designed palette, keeping her colour choices to a minimum.
Leanne's first canvas demonstration was a boat house on Lake Windermere.  After  roughly sketching in the outlines, she used cobalt blue for the sky, and a wide synthetic brush, she then added white for clouds in a loose fashion.

She then put in the hills and shadows, emphasising the need for these.  Using Hookers Green (Mr Hooker was a famous plant hunter!) and buff titanium she highlighted the hills.  Moving on to the lake using Payne's gray.

She showed how to create a realistic wood grain on the boat house with just a few strokes, then added the roof and trees with Hookers Green and burnt sienna.  Creating the path and shadows, she used Alizarin crimson and Payne's gray to create the final scene.  Then using her fingernails scratched grass.

For the second part of her demonstration Leanne used watercolour paper, which she wet to add light layers of acrylic.  Creating a beach scene she showed techniques for creating rocks and people.

She concluded the morning by sharing a few tips on landscape painting with acrylics.  She kindly presented the Society with one of her paintings for a future raffle prize.