Monday, 3 March 2025


The programme for 2025 is well underway ....

January kicked off with a workshop with Brian Griffiths using graphite.

February saw Felicity Knapp demonstrate organic, abstract artwork using mixed media.

AGM Tuesday 4th March - the meeting will begin at 9.45am in the Catholic Church Hall and will be followed by the Annual Quiz.  Your presence is important and helps to keep the Society current and relevant.  We look forward to seeing you.

April 1st - we will welcome Barbara Curry who will demonstrate techniques in Oil.

May 6th - Paschale Bigot will demonstrate in Pastel and Mixed Media.

May 26th - Exhibition for the week in the Weavers Gallery.

June 3rd - Frank Collict works in watercolour and line and wash.

July, August and September are the annual painting days - come along and do your own thing in the company of other artists.  Details to be publishsed.

7th October - Mike Skidmore will take us through a Still Life in oils.

4th November - Ian Ridley will demonstrate watercolour techniques.

10th November - Exhibition for the week in the Weavers Gallery.

There is no meeting in December.

If you are new to the area come along for a nominal charge.  Meetings start at 9.45 with demonstrations starting at 10 and finishing at 12 noon.