Friday, 7 April 2017

Graham Wilson demonstration

Rainy day at the beach
Graham Wilson produced three paintings while he entertained us with the humorous manner in which he communicated his approach to watercolour painting and working with line and wash.

He works on Bockingford Rough and uses tube watercolour pigments from Ken Bromley.
In the woods

On the beach
When he applied paint the brush was not heavily loaded and he worked wet on dry and also demonstrated the use of dry brush technique e.g. for the sea in the first picture.

For the tree trunks in the woodland painting and the masts of the boats in the third picture he painted the edge of mount card scraps and 'printed' the paint onto the paper.

The grasses in the foreground of the first picture and elements of the trees in the second were painted with a rigger. He favoured a rigger from Rosemary which is designed to hold more paint than a conventional rigger.

For more of Graham's work visit,%20Graham