Tuesday 24 September 2024


A round up of events and a look forward to the programme for 2025!

Firstly, apologies for the radio silence on the blog - quite a lot going on this year but happily things improving!  My daughter Caroline was diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer and after 18 months is now in remission.  Tomorrow she begins an epic cycle ride from London to Paris for The Eve Appeal to raise funds for womens' cancer research. I did manage to get to Higham Hall twice this year, with the indefatigable Robert Dutton in February and Lionel Playford in early July. All useful learning!  I took part in H-Art earlier this month and managed a few new paintings!  I hope you have had the chance to get creative too!

ART - I know many of you have enjoyed the programme so far this year and there is some good art to come.  As well as that, you have enjoyed and taken part in the Come and Paint sessions during the summer.

Ian managed to get to the international watercolour masters and joined Joe Dowden for more watercolour magic!

Sue Murphy snuck off to Posara in Italy to join Rebecca de Mendonca for a week of sun and wine - and pastels!

Some of you have also taken the opportunity to join our friends at Hereford Painting Club and their outings to various spots around the county.  I particularly enjoyed the session at Hellens Manor early on, in brilliant sunshine.

We look forward to seeing your efforts at the next LAS EXHIBITION in the Weavers Gallery in November.  Ian will be sending out details for this shortly so please sort your paintings for framing and we look forward to putting this on.

For those of you working in pastel, you might be interested in the UNISON pastel challenge beginning on 30th September.  Worth having a look at this as they are immensely useful.  Details on their website.


We look forward to welcoming Worcestershie artist Suzanne Nicholl on 1st October at the Catholic Church Hall, from 9.45am.  Suzanne is a landscape artist, creating contemporary and abstract paintings in oil, acrylic and mixed media.  She will be sharing an insight into her practice and will bring with her a selection of work in progress and sketch books. 

(If you are new to Ledbury Art Society, please join us!)

Carole Baker will be back with her colourful acrylics in November.

Fiona has been working on the 2025 Programme which is looking great.  Just to whet your appetite (we'll publish the full list shortly):

Barbara Curry - oils (www.barbaracurrypaintings.uk)

Frank Collict - watercolour and line and wash (www.frankcollictart.com)

Ian Ridley - watercolour (ianridleywatercolours.co.uk) 

Hope this has been useful and we look forward to seeing you in October!!! Sue

Tuesday 30 January 2024



The first demo of the year was very well attended with Rupert Aker providing us with five super examples of loose and swift oils with a pallete knife.  Rupert is a Cotswolds artist and his subject landscapes.  He works from his studio in Painswick, the old public toilets, The Louvre, where he also provides tuition and workshops.  You can see his larger canvasses at the Burford Garden Company.  Visit his website for details.

There was a good selection of Members' works on show so please remember to bring yours to next week's meeting!  Thankyou.

Note:  All meetings are held in the Catholic Church Hall, New Street, Ledbury - Guests are welcome.  Demonstrations start at 9.45am and finish by 12 noon.  Coffee is served.
Do join us!  We look forward to seeing you.


We look forward to welcoming local artist David Birtwhistle to this meeting.  David is very well known both locally and nationally for his memorable watercolours.  This will be a real treat so please arrive in good time to pay and get your seat for a prompt 9.45am start, not 10am!


Please try and attend this meeting - it is your chance to say what you would like for the future of the Society.


Helen Norman Helen is a Gloucestershire based artist and successful oil painter who now concentrates on collages.  Helen is known for her depictions of local scenes, people, seascapes and cockerels.


Brian Griffiths Workshop Brian is a member of LAS and Herefordshire Painting Club and he will provide both a demonstration in charcoals in various forms and a Workshop.  A materials list will be sent in good time.

JUNE 4th

Joe Dowden - Watercolour

Joe comes to us straight after the International Watercolour Masters exhibition in May where he is running workshops and exhibiting.  A superb, internationally recognised watercolour landscape painter, he particularly specialises in the depiction of water.

July, August and September - Painting Get-Togethers in the Catholic Church Hall or outside venues


Suzanne Nicholl, Oil/acrylic

Suzanne is a Worcestershire based expressive landscape artist creating contemporary and abstract paintings in oils, acrylic and mixed media.  Her work is bursting with energy and colour!


Carole Baker - Acrylics

Carole returns to demonstrate her practice of capturing the effects of light upon the landscape.  Her paintings are more about a feeling than a record of place.  Her work is held internationally and she has a busy commission schedule.  She holds Open Studios throughout the year and a welcoming programme of workshops and holidays.

Monday 21 August 2023


 WELCOME to Autumn 2023 

Below is the programme for the rest of the year.  Ian and Fiona are working on next year's programme and we hope to include some different artists for you.

5th September    David Wilcox           Ballet Dancers in Watercolour

3rd October        Mike Skidmore        Portraits in Oils

7th November    Leanne Ellis             Landscapes in mixed media

5th December    Festive Art - a seasonal get-together with art and bubbles!

NOVEMBER EXHIBITION Weavers Gallery, Church Lane, Ledbury

We will be exhibiting in the Weavers Gallery in Ledbury from Monday 20th November to the Saturday.  Details of how to exhibit will follow soon but please get painting and framing.  This is a selling exhibition and an ideal time to show your work to the public just before Christmas and a good time to sell cards etc.


Rupert Aker, Cotswold Artist

Rupert has kindly agreed to demonstrate his lively and compelling work in January (please note it will be 9th January!).  Rupert paints plein air and completes his larger pieces in his studio in Painswick.  Using oils and palette knife his work is collected world wide.  You can see his work at www.rupertaker.art

Tuesday 24 January 2023


The New Year has already started with an excellent demonstration by Ian Watson in pastels and pencils,

Members enjoyed Ian's fine animal portrait demonstration on the first Tuesday of the year.  Many thanks to Ian for an interesting and informative demonstration.

The following are booked for the year:

7th February        Val Briggs        Wild Flowers        Watercolour/pencil/pastel

7th March            AGM

4th April                Mark Warner    Seascapes            Acrylics

2nd May            Richard Crabtree    Town/Landscapes    Pastel

6th June/4th July/1st August            Group Painting Sessions    Bring your own materials

5th September    David Wilcox        Ballet Dancers            Watercolour

3rd October        Mike Skidmore        Portraits            Oils

7th November    Leanne Ellis            Landscape            Mixed media

NOVEMBER EXHIBITION at the Weavers Gallery, Ledbury - details to follow

In December we try to do something a bit different with a festive theme.  More details to follow.


If you have resolved to pick up a paint brush or dust off your sketchbook for this year, why not join LEDBURY ART SOCIETY?

We are a friendly group who meet once a month in the Catholic Church Hall just down from the Coop in Ledbury on the first Tuesday of the month.  We have a varied programme of excellent demonstrators in all media - so if you want to get some ideas and tips for using watercolour, pastel, acrylic, collage, mixed media - why not pop along for a visit and see for yourself. 

Phone enquiries to Sue on 01531 635081

Thursday 3 November 2022



Carole visited the Society in early October travelling from her studio in Shropshire.

Always the professional, Carole took members through her method of using acrylics to produce a painting full of feeling and atmosphere.  Carole uses a number of techniques which she teaches at her regular Workshops.  These include dry brushwork, colour priming the canvas, splattering but her overall art is about colour and feeling.

Tackling a difficult subject of a woodland stream Carole enjoyed the welcome from members and has sent the painting completed at the demonstration and finalised back in her studio for comparison.  I think we can all agree it is absolutely STUNNING!  

Thank you Carole and we hope to see you again.  Carole writes:

Following the demonstration at the art group a couple of weeks ago, I  promised to send a photo of the painting of how it was left on the day and the completed painting - so the group can ‘spot the difference’!! 

 Version 1 - this is how far I got with the painting on the day.

Completed painting - ‘Wandering River’

I worked into the painting generally all over adjusting the light and especially the reflected light on the water. I covered lots of techniques including scumbling, spattering and glazing. Sadly I ran out of time to put the finishing touches to it on the day.


The Weavers Gallery, Church Lane, Ledbury

You will have received the entry forms for the exhibition so please do put forward you most recent artwork for inclusion.  Ian has given you all the details in the email.  

The flyers and posters are in preparation but please encourage your friends to visit during the week for pre-Christmas ideas!  There is always a good range of art for sale!

DECEMBER DEMONSTRATION We will be enjoying a talk and hands-on demo about Art for Therapy at our December meeting.  Bring some kit - paper, pastels, pencils etc and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie while you 'chill' before the Christmas rush!  We look forward to seeing new members and visitors too.

Monday 15 August 2022


 The Art Society's Summer Exhibition held at the Weavers Gallery, Church Lane Ledbury 1st August 2022

There was a good response to entries for the summer exhibition with some new members displaying their work.  Ian's watercolours were well received and Sarah Amery's seascapes had us all wanting to race to the coast!  Sue Murphy's owl and lion pastels were exquisite and she has only been using pastels for a short time!  Thanks to everyone for joining in and stewarding.  Our next exhibition will be in November.


Three Choirs Art Exhibition and Four Artists - Ian, Sue and Joanna Dixon were invited to exhibit at the Three Choirs Festival along with about 30 other artists in various media.  Ian's painting of Conigree Wood was the most admired throughout the week.  Sue was caught holding up the boards of her exhibit by her old hospital colleague, photographer Gordon Taylor.

Joanna exhibited the following week with three fellow artists at the Weavers - so a busy and interesting few weeks!

Although the heat had many of us sweltering in the shade some intrepid members enjoyed a productive day at the PRINT WORKSHOP with Angie held in Kath Beech's garden.  They tried out several different techniques and explored various media. A sociable gathering with expert tuition!

Wednesday 1 June 2022


SUMMER PAINTING MORNINGs in the Church Hall, Catholic Church

We are inviting you to come and join us on the following mornings during the summer:

Tuesday 7 June, Tuesday 5 July and Tuesday 2 August 2022.

Bring your paints, paper, pastels, acrylics etc and enjoy painting a subject of your choice with fellow society members.  Ian will open up the Hall at about 9.30 so you will have a good two hours to paint and share ideas.  A nominal fee will be charged.


A number of society members will be exhibiting at this regular feature of the TCF event from 23rd to 30th July in the Cathedral School buildings just by the Close.

SEPTEMBER DEMONSTRATOR will be Elizabeth Hough in pastels


Paul kindly revisited us in April and the Society enjoyed a thoroughly absorbing demo in acrylics.  Thanks to Paul for his visit and for sharing his expertise and know-how with us. 


Dates 1 August to 6th.

November Exhibition dates 21st November - 26th November